Social Media

Social Media Optimization is a relatively new player in the world of online marketing. This term refers to the strategies used to best market a website, business, or individuals using popular social networking pages, customized search engines, and bookmarking sites. This is a vital part of online reputation management and marketing, yet it is often overlooked by online marketers because it is a much newer concept than SEO.

The need for SMO began with the advent of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. The term itself was coined in 2006, when an Internet marketer defined SMO as making changes to a site so that it is easily linked to on social networking sites, can be included in podcasts, and is frequently included in related blog posts. As more and more internet users begin focusing their attention on these media outlets, rather than traditional search engines, the need for SMO will continue to increase.

SMO involves some of these strategies:

  • Delivery of content to your audience on different platforms
  • Understanding your audience, and the platforms they use
  • Using short and concise messaging
  • The format of which the message will be delivered (image, video, podcast)

Beyond these basic strategies, an SMO campaign will focus on managing your online reputation by making the most of social networking sites. It will also help you create an internet brand name for yourself or your company that is a positive reflection on what you offer your clients.

Why You Need to Focus on SMO

Social media marketing will increase your visibility, draw traffic to your site, and ultimately get your name out there as an expert in your field. Some aspects of SMO, such as increasing linkability and rewarding inbound links, will even help your SEO efforts.

Navigating the world of social media can be confusing. Protecting your reputation, making the most out of social networking websites, and creating the most powerful online brand are all crucial parts to internet marketing, yet they are often a struggle to online businesses.

Whether you are looking to push the competition down in the search engines to increase your positive image, develop and promote a particular brand image, or harness the power of sites like Twitter to establish yourself as an expert in the industry, our team can help you accomplish this.

  • Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Audit, Competitive Analysis
  • Social Profile Creation
  • Community Monitoring
  • Blogger Outreach

Contact Us today for a consultation